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Grandi Opere Vertigo # 36

Si conclude in questo volume la lunga e struggente run di Rick Veitch alla guida della serie rilanciata da Alan Moore. Una storia epocale, spaccato lucido e spietato sulla natura umana nel corso dei millenni, presentato per la prima volta nella sua interezza, con l'epilogo finale firmato da Doug Wheeler.

Grandi Opere Vertigo # 36 | Swamp Thing, vol 10

Rw Lion Ottobre 2017
Swamp Thing vol 2 # 82
Swamp Thing
Brothers In Arms, Part 2
Rick Veitch (script) / Rick Veitch (art) / Alfredo Alcala (inks)
24 pagine

da Swamp Thing vol 2 # 82, Vertigo - USA (Gen 1989)
Swamp Thing vol 2 # 83
Swamp Thing
Brothers In Arms, Part 1
Rick Veitch (script) / Tom Mandrake (art) / Alfredo Alcala (inks)
24 pagine

da Swamp Thing vol 2 # 83, Vertigo - USA (Feb 1989)
Swamp Thing vol 2 # 84
Swamp Thing
Final Payment
Rick Veitch (script) / Tom Mandrake (art) / Alfredo Alcala (inks)
24 pagine

da Swamp Thing vol 2 # 84, Vertigo - USA (Mar 1989)
Swamp Thing vol 2 # 85
Swamp Thing
My Name Is Nobody
Rick Veitch (script) / Tom Mandrake (art) / Alfredo Alcala (inks)
24 pagine

da Swamp Thing vol 2 # 85, Vertigo - USA (Apr 1989)
Swamp Thing vol 2 # 86
Swamp Thing
Heroes Of The Revolution
Rick Veitch (script) / Thomas Yeates (art) / Thomas Yeates (inks)
24 pagine

da Swamp Thing vol 2 # 86, Vertigo - USA (Mag 1989)
Swamp Thing vol 2 # 87
Swamp Thing
Fall Of The House Of Pendragon
Rick Veitch (script) / Thomas Yeates (art) / Thomas Yeates (inks)
24 pagine

da Swamp Thing vol 2 # 87, Vertigo - USA (Giu 1989)
Swamp Thing vol 2 # 88
Swamp Thing
Survival Of The Fittest
Doug Wheeler (script) / Thomas Yeates (art) / Thomas Yeates (inks)
24 pagine

da Swamp Thing vol 2 # 88, Vertigo - USA (Set 1989)
Swamp Thing vol 2 # 89
Swamp Thing
Founding Fathers
Doug Wheeler (script) / Thomas Yeates (art) / Thomas Yeates (inks) / Ken Hooper (inks) / Mark McMurray (inks)
24 pagine

da Swamp Thing vol 2 # 89, Vertigo - USA (Nov 1989)
Swamp Thing vol 2 # 90
Swamp Thing
Doug Wheeler (script) / Pat Broderick (art) / Alfredo Alcala (inks)
24 pagine

da Swamp Thing vol 2 # 90, Vertigo - USA (Dic 1989)