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Green Lantern Corps Quarterly # 6
Copertina di Jim Balent

Green Lantern Corps Quarterly # 6

DC Comics Settembre 1993
The Book of Equals
Gerard Jones (script) / Jason Pearson (art) / John Dell (inks) / Tom McCraw (colors)
4 pagine
Green Lantern (Laira Omoto)
What Price Honor?
Ruben Diaz (script) / Travis Charest (art) / Ray McCarthy (inks) / Agop Gemdjian (inks) / Gina Going (colors)
18 pagine
Green Lantern (Alan Scott)
Meant for Each Other
Ron Marz (script) / Jim Balent (art) / Andrew Pepoy (inks) / Stuart Chaifetz (colors)
12 pagine
Green Lantern (Sheriff Mardin)
Those Who Sit and Wait
Mike Baron (script) / Chas Truog (art) / Kim DeMulder (inks) / Trish Mulvihill (colors)
9 pagine
Green Lantern (Boodikka)
Say It with Powers
Gerard Jones (script) / Scott Kolins (art) / Ray Kryssing (inks) / Tom McCraw (colors)
9 pagine