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Green Lantern Corps Quarterly # 4
Copertina di Kirk Jarvinen

Green Lantern Corps Quarterly # 4

DC Comics Marzo 1993
Green Lantern Corps
The Book of Order Part 1
Gerard Jones (script) / Romeo Tanghal (art) / Romeo Tanghal (inks) / Anthony Tollin (colors)
3 pagine
Green Lantern Corps
Ron Marz (script) / Kirk Jarvinen (art) / Terry Austin (inks) / Steve Mattsson (colors)
18 pagine
Green Lantern (Alan Scott)
Grudge Match
Roger Stern (script) / Jim Balent (art) / Andrew Pepoy (inks) / Matt Webb (colors)
12 pagine
Green Lantern (G'nort)
Revenge of the G'nerd
Michael Eury (script) / Joe James (art) / Barbara Kaalberg (inks) / Anthony Tollin (colors)
12 pagine
Donna Parker
The Best Choice
Joe Edkin (script) / Jeff Hedzel (script) / Mac Myers (art) / Barbara Kaalberg (inks) / Al Gordon (inks) / Anthony Tollin (colors)
8 pagine
Green Lantern Corps
The Book of Order Part 2
Gerard Jones (script) / Romeo Tanghal (art) / Romeo Tanghal (inks) / Anthony Tollin (colors)
1 pagine