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Flash # 24

Flash # 24 | Flash/Wonder Woman n.6

Rw Lion Aprile 2014
The Flash Annual vol 4 # 2
Lo Svelto e il Verde
Brian Buccellato (script) / Sami Basri (art) / Sami Basri (inks)
28 pagine

da The Flash Annual vol 4 # 2, DC Comics - USA (Set 2013)
The Flash Annual vol 4 # 2
Nicole Dubuc (script) / Cully Hamner (art) / Cully Hamner (inks)
10 pagine

da The Flash Annual vol 4 # 2, DC Comics - USA (Set 2013)
Aquaman vol 7 # 23
Morte di un Re, capitolo 5: Vicolo cieco
Geoff Johns (script) / Paul Pelletier (art) / Sean Parsons (inks)
20 pagine

da Aquaman vol 7 # 23, DC Comics - USA (Ott 2013)
Young Romance: The New 52 Valentine's Day Special # 1
Apollo and Midnighter
Una serata a Seul
Peter Milligan (script) / Simon Bisley (art) / Simon Bisley (inks)
8 pagine

da Young Romance: The New 52 Valentine's Day Special, DC Comics - USA (Apr 2013)