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Free Comic Book Day 2018: The Amazing Spider-Man/Guardians of the Galaxy # 1
Copertina di Ryan Ottley

Free Comic Book Day 2018: The Amazing Spider-Man/Guardians of the Galaxy

Marvel Comics Maggio 2018
Amazing Spider-Man (Ritorno alle origini, preludio)
Nick Spencer (script) / Ryan Ottley (art) / Cliff Rathburn (inks) / Laura Martin (colors)
10 pagine

Pubblicazione italiana: Free Comic Book Day Italia - Comics Week (Pan) # 13 - Amazing Spider-Man/ Avengers, Panini Comics (Dic 2018)
Guardians of the Galaxy
Guardians of the Galaxy (Precedentemente su... Guardiani della Galassia)
Gerry Duggan (script) / Mike O'Sullivan (script) / Brian Michael Bendis (script) / Roland Boschi (art) / Mike Hawthorne (art) / Frazer Irving (art) / Aaron Kuder (art) / Rodrigo Reis (art)
8 pagine

Pubblicazione italiana: Marvel Miniserie # 204 - Infinity Countdown 1, Marvel Italia (Ott 2018)