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Epic Illustrated # 19
Copertina di Jim Steranko

Epic Illustrated # 19

Epic Comics Agosto 1983
Generation Zero
Desert Hunt
Archie Goodwin (script) / Pepe Moreno (script) / Pepe Moreno (art) / Pepe Moreno (inks) / Pepe Moreno (colors)
16 pagine
Mary Jo Duffy (script) / Kent Williams (art) / Kent Williams (inks) / Kent Williams (colors)
4 pagine
Garret Lavin (script) / Bo Hampton (art) / Bo Hampton (inks) / Bo Hampton (colors)
7 pagine
The Yellow Hat
The Yellow Hat
Vaughn Bodè (script) / Vaughn Bodè (art) / Vaughn Bodè (inks) / Mark Bode (inks) / Mark Bode (colors)
12 pagine
Hero's Rest
J. H. Rouan (script) / Jean Bello (art) / Jean Bello (inks) / Jean Bello (colors)
3 pagine
Last Of The Dragons
The Meeting (Chapter Five)
Dennis O'Neil (script) / Carl Potts (script) / Carl Potts (art) / Terry Austin (inks) / Marie Severin (colors)
8 pagine
The Mythology of An Abandoned City
The Sleepwalker
Jon J Muth (script) / Jon J Muth (art) / Jon J Muth (inks)
10 pagine
Rick Veitch (script) / Rick Veitch (art) / Rick Veitch (inks)
4 pagine

Pubblicazione italiana: Animali di luce, Comma 22 (Ott 2008), Cosmo Comics # 180 - The King Hell Heroica vol 4: Boy Maximortal 2, Editoriale Cosmo (Lug 2024)
Pat Boyette (script) / Pat Boyette (art) / Pat Boyette (inks) / Pat Boyette (colors)
8 pagine