Detective Chimp
The Case of the Massively Magical Monkey Mage
Bill Willingham (script) / Shawn McManus (art) / Shawn McManus (inks)
The Case of the Massively Magical Monkey Mage
Bill Willingham (script) / Shawn McManus (art) / Shawn McManus (inks)
22 pagine
da The Helmet of Fate: Detective Chimp, DC Comics - USA (Mar 2007)
Black Alice
Death and the Maiden
Gail Simone (script) / Duncan Rouleau (art) / Duncan Rouleau (inks)
Death and the Maiden
Gail Simone (script) / Duncan Rouleau (art) / Duncan Rouleau (inks)
22 pagine
da The Helmet of Fate: Black Alice, DC Comics - USA (Mag 2007)
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