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Eerie # 72
Copertina di Manuel Perez Sanjulian

Eerie # 72

Warren Febbraio 1976
The Demons of Jeremiah Cold
Daddy Was a Demon Man
Bill Dubay (script) / José Ortiz (art) / José Ortiz (inks)
15 pagine
Hunter II
The Valley of Armegeddon
Budd Lewis (script) / Paul Neary (art) / Paul Neary (inks)
10 pagine
Reuben Youngblood: Private Eye
Beware: The Scarlet Combine
Budd Lewis (script) / Howard Chaykin (art) / Bernie Wrightson (inks)
10 pagine

Pubblicazione italiana: Cosmo Books # 82 - Creepy Presenta: Bernie Wrightson, Editoriale Cosmo (Apr 2023)
The Freaks
A Thin Dime of Pain
Doug Moench (script) / Leopold Sanchez (art) / Leopold Sanchez (inks) / Michelle Brand (colors)
8 pagine
(science fiction)
The Pie and I
Budd Lewis (script) / Luis Bermejo Rojo (art) / Luis Bermejo Rojo (inks)
9 pagine
Tales of Peter Hypnos
The Incredible People-Making Machines
Joseph Maria Bea (script) / Joseph Maria Bea (art) / Joseph Maria Bea (inks)
8 pagine