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Crimen2007 / fumettosc / Cris_pres / Chris / max2001

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Eerie # 45
Copertina di Luis Dominguez

Eerie # 45

Warren Febbraio 1973
Eerie's Monster Gallery!
Vlad the Impaler
Fred Ottenheimer (script) / Rafael Auraleón (art) / Rafael Auraleón (inks)
2 pagine
(horror story)
The Mound
Tom Sutton (script) / Tom Sutton (art) / Tom Sutton (inks)
10 pagine
(horror story)
Ri, Master of Men
Hal G. Turner (script) / Martin Salvador (art) / Martin Salvador (inks)
8 pagine
(horror story)
When Wakes the Dreamer!
Don McGregor (script) / Jesus Suso Rego (art) / Jesus Suso Rego (inks)
8 pagine
(horror story)
A Blade for the Teacher
Bill Warren (script) / Luis Dominguez (art) / Luis Dominguez (inks)
7 pagine
(horror story)
Steve Skeates (script) / José Rubio (art) / José Rubio (inks)
7 pagine
Dax the Warrior
The Witch
Esteban Maroto (script) / Esteban Maroto (art) / Esteban Maroto (inks)
8 pagine