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Death of Hawkman # 4
Copertina di Aaron Lopresti

Death of Hawkman # 4

DC Comics Marzo 2017
Out of Time, Part 4: Retribution (and Other Catastrophes)
Marc Andreyko (script) / Aaron Lopresti (art) / Rodney Buchemi (art) / John Livesay (inks) / Norm Rapmund (inks) / Sean Parsons (inks) / Blond (colors)
22 pagine

Pubblicazione italiana: DC Miniserie # 46 - La Morte di Hawkman (Preludio a METAL), Rw Lion (Gen 2018), DC Omnibus # 35 - Notti Oscure: Metal, Rw Lion (Nov 2019), DC Omnibus # 10 - Batman: Metal, Panini Comics (Mar 2021)