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the62punisher / eotvos / max2001 / nickdeckard / Karesh / Blackblood / 01-03-1964 / ZetaG / Sabbath17

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Crimen2007 su The Young All-Stars # 1, DCfede su The Young All-Stars # 1, eotvos su Marvel Gold # 39, nuvolablu su Creepy # 122, nuvolablu su Marvel Gold # 39,


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Doctor Doom Vol 1 # 8
Copertina di Salvador Larroca

Doctor Doom Vol 1 # 8

Marvel Comics Dicembre 2020
Doctor Doom
Peace in the Valley
Christopher Cantwell (script) / Salvador Larroca (art) / Salvador Larroca (inks) / Guru-eFX (colors)
20 pagine

Pubblicazione italiana: Marvel Collection (II) # 325 - Dottor Destino 2: Bedford Falls, Panini Comics (Mag 2021)