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DC Vertigo Omnibus # 10
Copertina di Brian Bolland

Nel 1993, la scrittrice Rachel Pollack ereditò Doom Patrol da Grant Morrison e la fece immediatamente sua imprimendole nuove e inedite direzioni.Tornano Robotman, alias Cliff Steele, e Dorothy Spinner! Niles Caulder diventa sempre più il "Capo"… letteralmente! I nostri eroi prendono residenza alla Tenuta Arcobaleno, infestata da spettri dalle caratteristiche quantomai inusuali. Un cast di personaggi sempre più bizzarri alle prese con avventure ai confini della realtà.

DC Vertigo Omnibus # 10 | Doom Patrol di Rachel Pollack

Panini Comics Gennaio 2025
Doom Patrol vol 2 # 64
Doom Patrol
Sliding in the Wreckage, Part 1: Burn in the Curse
Grant Morrison (script) / Richard Case (art) / Stan Woch (inks)
22 pagine

da Doom Patrol vol 2 # 64, DC Comics - USA (Mar 1993)
Doom Patrol vol 2 # 65
Doom Patrol
Sliding in the Wreckage, Part 2: The Book of Ice
Rachel Pollack (script) / Richard Case (art) / Linda Medley (art) / Stan Woch (inks)
22 pagine

da Doom Patrol vol 2 # 65, DC Comics - USA (Apr 1993)
Doom Patrol vol 2 # 66
Doom Patrol
Sliding in the Wreckage, Part 3: The Pig It Was That Lived
Rachel Pollack (script) / Richard Case (art) / Stan Woch (inks)
22 pagine

da Doom Patrol vol 2 # 66, DC Comics - USA (Mag 1993)
Doom Patrol vol 2 # 67
Doom Patrol
E Rose in the Autos
Rachel Pollack (script) / Linda Medley (art) / Graham Higgins (inks)
22 pagine

da Doom Patrol vol 2 # 67, DC Comics - USA (Giu 1993)
Doom Patrol vol 2 # 68
Doom Patrol
A Ticket to the Cleaners
Rachel Pollack (script) / Linda Medley (art) / Graham Higgins (inks)
22 pagine

da Doom Patrol vol 2 # 68, DC Comics - USA (Lug 1993)
Doom Patrol vol 2 # 69
Doom Patrol
Down Among the Underpinnings
Rachel Pollack (script) / Linda Medley (art) / Graham Higgins (inks)
22 pagine

da Doom Patrol vol 2 # 69, DC Comics - USA (Ago 1993)
Doom Patrol vol 2 # 70
Doom Patrol
The Laughing Game
Rachel Pollack (script) / Scott Eaton (art) / Tom Sutton (inks) / Tom Ziuko (colors)
24 pagine

da Doom Patrol vol 2 # 70, DC Comics - USA (Set 1993)
Doom Patrol vol 2 # 71
Doom Patrol
The Fox and the Crow
Rachel Pollack (script) / Linda Medley (art) / Tom Sutton (inks)
22 pagine

da Doom Patrol vol 2 # 71, DC Comics - USA (Ott 1993)
Doom Patrol vol 2 # 72
Doom Patrol
The Prince and Princess of Desire
Rachel Pollack (script) / Linda Medley (art) / Tom Sutton (inks)
22 pagine

da Doom Patrol vol 2 # 72, DC Comics - USA (Nov 1993)
Doom Patrol vol 2 # 73
Doom Patrol
Return of the Windowmen
Rachel Pollack (script) / Linda Medley (art) / Gene Fama (inks)
22 pagine

da Doom Patrol vol 2 # 73, DC Comics - USA (Dic 1993)
Doom Patrol vol 2 # 74
Doom Patrol
Bootleg Steele
Rachel Pollack (script) / Linda Medley (art) / Tom Sutton (inks)
22 pagine

da Doom Patrol vol 2 # 74, DC Comics - USA (Gen 1994)
Doom Patrol vol 2 # 75
Doom Patrol
The Teiresias Wars, Part 1: A Handful of Dust
Rachel Pollack (script) / Ted McKeever (art) / Ted McKeever (inks)
22 pagine

da Doom Patrol vol 2 # 75, DC Comics - USA (Feb 1994)
Doom Patrol vol 2 # 76
Doom Patrol
The Teiresias Wars, Part 2: The Hotel of Lost Light
Rachel Pollack (script) / Ted McKeever (art) / Ted McKeever (inks)
22 pagine

da Doom Patrol vol 2 # 76, DC Comics - USA (Mar 1994)
Doom Patrol vol 2 # 77
Doom Patrol
The Teiresias Wars, Part 3: The Witness Trees
Rachel Pollack (script) / Ted McKeever (art) / Ted McKeever (inks)
22 pagine

da Doom Patrol vol 2 # 77, DC Comics - USA (Apr 1994)
Doom Patrol vol 2 # 78
Doom Patrol
The Teiresias Wars, Part 4: The Path of Vanished Alphabets
Rachel Pollack (script) / Ted McKeever (art) / Ted McKeever (inks)
22 pagine

da Doom Patrol vol 2 # 78, DC Comics - USA (Mag 1994)
Doom Patrol vol 2 # 79
Doom Patrol
The Teiresias Wars, Part 5: The Fire Sermon
Rachel Pollack (script) / Ted McKeever (art) / Ted McKeever (inks)
22 pagine

da Doom Patrol vol 2 # 79, DC Comics - USA (Giu 1994)
Doom Patrol vol 2 # 80
Doom Patrol
The Dogs of Soul
Rachel Pollack (script) / Ted McKeever (art) / Ted McKeever (inks)
22 pagine

da Doom Patrol vol 2 # 80, DC Comics - USA (Lug 1994)
Doom Patrol vol 2 # 81
Doom Patrol
Two Mad Men With Foreheads and Boots
Rachel Pollack (script) / Arnold Pander (art) / Arnold Pander (inks)
22 pagine

da Doom Patrol vol 2 # 81, DC Comics - USA (Ago 1994)
Doom Patrol vol 2 # 82
Doom Patrol
A Swaying Nipple and a Shower of Gold
Rachel Pollack (script) / Ted McKeever (art) / Ted McKeever (inks)
22 pagine

da Doom Patrol vol 2 # 82, DC Comics - USA (Set 1994)
Doom Patrol vol 2 # 83
Doom Patrol
Remembrance of Lives Passed
Rachel Pollack (script) / Jamie Tolagson (art) / Matt Howarth (inks)
22 pagine

da Doom Patrol vol 2 # 83, DC Comics - USA (Ott 1994)
Doom Patrol vol 2 # 84
Doom Patrol
A Song For the Small Face
Rachel Pollack (script) / Ted McKeever (art) / Ted McKeever (inks)
22 pagine

da Doom Patrol vol 2 # 84, DC Comics - USA (Nov 1994)
Doom Patrol vol 2 # 85
Doom Patrol
Gates of Light
Rachel Pollack (script) / Ted McKeever (art) / Ted McKeever (inks)
22 pagine

da Doom Patrol vol 2 # 85, DC Comics - USA (Dic 1994)
Doom Patrol vol 2 # 86
Doom Patrol
The Cup of Knowing
Rachel Pollack (script) / Ted McKeever (art) / Ted McKeever (inks)
22 pagine

da Doom Patrol vol 2 # 86, DC Comics - USA (Gen 1995)
Doom Patrol vol 2 # 87
Doom Patrol
A Cry For the Great Face
Rachel Pollack (script) / Ted McKeever (art) / Ted McKeever (inks)
22 pagine

da Doom Patrol vol 2 # 87, DC Comics - USA (Feb 1995)
Doom Patrol Annual # 2
Doom Patrol
The Wild, The Good, and the Grown-Up
Rachel Pollack (script) / Mark Wheatley (art) / Mark Wheatley (inks) / Stuart Chaifetz (colors)
56 pagine

da Doom Patrol Annual # 2, DC Comics - USA (Feb 1994)
Prima pubblicazione in Italia: La Crociata dei Bambini # 2, Planeta DeAgostini (Lug 2007)
Vertigo Jam # 1
Doom Patrol
Spooks Return Satisfied
Rachel Pollack (script) / Eric Shanower (art) / Eric Shanower (inks) / Tom Ziuko (colors)
8 pagine

da Vertigo Jam, Vertigo - USA (Ago 1993)
Prima pubblicazione in Italia: Grandi Opere Vertigo # 38 - Vertigo25 - Passato, presente e futuro, Rw Lion (Gen 2019)
Totems # 1
Comic Story
Y2K Bug
Tom Peyer (script) / Dean Ormston (art) / Duncan Fegredo (art) / Richard Case (art) / Alex Sinclair (colors)
48 pagine

da Totems, DC Comics - USA (Feb 2000)