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DCU Halloween Special 2010 # 1
Copertina di Gene Ha

DCU Halloween Special 2010

DC Comics Dicembre 2010
Trick for the Scarecrow
Billy Tucci (script) / Billy Tucci (art) / Hi Fi Color Design (colors)
8 pagine
Batman,Robin,I Vampire!
Robin the Vampire Slayer
Joseph Harris (script) / Lee Garbett (art) / Chris Beckett (colors)
8 pagine
Time or Your Life!
Alex Segura (script) / Kenneth Loh (art) / Adam Wallenta (colors)
8 pagine
Deadman,Wonder Woman
A Night to Remember
Vinton Heuch (script) / Dean Zachary (art) / Guy Major (colors)
8 pagine
Klarion,Teen Titans
Medusa Non Grata
Bryan Q. Miller (script) / Trevor McCarthy (art) / Tony Aviña (colors)
8 pagine
Free of Steel
Brian Keene (script) / Stephen Thompson (art) / Steve Purcell (inks) / Adam Wallenta (colors)
8 pagine