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DC Maxiserie # 7
Copertina di Dexter Soy

Per formare la prossima generazioni di criminali DC c'è un solo possibile insegnante: Jason Todd! Red Hood dovrà decidere se essere un criminale, un amico, un docente, un prescelto… o qualcosa di completamente diverso! Il ritorno di Artemide e Bizarro! Il confronto finale con i Senza Titolo! Il finale della run di Scott Lobdell e l'inizio di una nuova vita per Jason, dopo gli eventi di Joker War!

DC Maxiserie # 7 | Red Hood: Outlaw, vol 2: Generation Outlaw

Panini Comics Giugno 2021
Red Hood and the Outlaws vol 2 # 37
Red Hood
Generation Outlaw, Part 1
Scott Lobdell (script) / Kenneth Rocafort (art) / Steve Firchow (colors)
22 pagine

da Red Hood and the Outlaws vol 2 # 37, DC Comics - USA (Ott 2019)
Red Hood and the Outlaws vol 2 # 38
Red Hood
Generation Outlaw, Part 2
Scott Lobdell (script) / Kenneth Rocafort (art) / Steve Firchow (colors)
22 pagine

da Red Hood and the Outlaws vol 2 # 38, DC Comics - USA (Nov 2019)
Red Hood and the Outlaws vol 2 # 39
Red Hood
Generation Outlaw, Part 3
Scott Lobdell (script) / Kenneth Rocafort (art) / Steve Firchow (colors)
22 pagine

da Red Hood and the Outlaws vol 2 # 39, DC Comics - USA (Dic 2019)
Red Hood and the Outlaws vol 2 # 40
Red Hood
Generation Outlaw, Part 4
Scott Lobdell (script) / David Messina (art) / Rex Lokus (colors)
22 pagine

da Red Hood and the Outlaws vol 2 # 40, DC Comics - USA (Gen 2020)
Red Hood and the Outlaws vol 2 # 41
Red Hood
Generation Outlaw, Part 5
Scott Lobdell (script) / David Messina (art) / Rex Lokus (colors)
22 pagine

da Red Hood and the Outlaws vol 2 # 41, DC Comics - USA (Mar 2020)
Red Hood and the Outlaws vol 2 # 42
Red Hood
Generation Outlaw, Part 6
Scott Lobdell (script) / David Messina (art) / Rex Lokus (colors)
22 pagine

da Red Hood and the Outlaws vol 2 # 42, DC Comics - USA (Mar 2020)
Red Hood and the Outlaws vol 2 # 43
Red Hood
Terror Train!
Scott Lobdell (script) / Chris Cross (art) / Scott Hanna (inks) / Arif Prianto (colors)
22 pagine

da Red Hood and the Outlaws vol 2 # 43, DC Comics - USA (Apr 2020)
Red Hood and the Outlaws vol 2 # 44
Red Hood
The Unchosen One
Scott Lobdell (script) / Paolo Pantalena (art) / Arif Prianto (colors)
22 pagine

da Red Hood and the Outlaws vol 2 # 44, DC Comics - USA (Mag 2020)
Red Hood and the Outlaws vol 2 # 45
Red Hood
Unspoken Truths
Scott Lobdell (script) / Paolo Pantalena (art) / Arif Prianto (colors)
22 pagine

da Red Hood and the Outlaws vol 2 # 45, DC Comics - USA (Lug 2020)
Red Hood and the Outlaws vol 2 # 46
Red Hood
Chamber of All or Nothing
Scott Lobdell (script) / Paolo Pantalena (art) / Travis Mercer (art) / Paolo Pantalena (inks) / John Livesay (inks) / Arif Prianto (colors)
22 pagine

da Red Hood and the Outlaws vol 2 # 46, DC Comics - USA (Ago 2020)
Red Hood and the Outlaws vol 2 # 47
Red Hood
Open Door, Insert Foot
Scott Lobdell (script) / Paolo Pantalena (art) / Arif Prianto (colors)
22 pagine

da Red Hood and the Outlaws vol 2 # 47, DC Comics - USA (Set 2020)
Red Hood and the Outlaws vol 2 # 48
Red Hood
An Untold Tale of the Red Hood (Just in Time for the Joker War Crossover)
Scott Lobdell (script) / Brett Booth (art) / Danny Miki (inks) / Arif Prianto (colors)
22 pagine

da Red Hood and the Outlaws vol 2 # 48, DC Comics - USA (Ott 2020)
Red Hood and the Outlaws vol 2 # 49
Red Hood
Red Hood and the Outlaws and Red Hood and the Outlaws
Scott Lobdell (script) / Paolo Pantalena (art) / Arif Prianto (colors)
22 pagine

da Red Hood and the Outlaws vol 2 # 49, DC Comics - USA (Nov 2020)
Red Hood and the Outlaws vol 2 # 50
Red Hood
Turn the Lights Off on Your Way Out
Scott Lobdell (script) / Paolo Pantalena (art) / Arif Prianto (colors)
38 pagine

da Red Hood and the Outlaws vol 2 # 50, DC Comics - USA (Dic 2020)
Red Hood # 51
Red Hood
Minutes from Downtown Gotham
Shawn C. Martinbrough (script) / Shawn Martinbrough (script) / Tony Akins (art) / Stefano Gaudiano (inks) / Paul Mounts (colors)
22 pagine

da Red Hood # 51, DC Comics - USA (Gen 2021)
Red Hood # 52
Red Hood
A Family Thing
Shawn C. Martinbrough (script) / Shawn Martinbrough (script) / Tony Akins (art) / Moritat (art) / Stefano Gaudiano (inks) / Paul Mounts (colors)
22 pagine

da Red Hood # 52, DC Comics - USA (Feb 2021)