90 pagine
da Wonder Woman: The Hiketeia, DC Comics - USA (Giu 2002)
Prima pubblicazione in Italia: Wonder Woman: Hiketeia, Play Press (Mag 2003)

Wonder Woman
La missione
Greg Rucka (script) / Drew Edward Johnson (art) / Drew Johnson (art) / Ray Snyder (inks) / Patricia Mulvihill (colors) / Wildstorm FX (colors)
La missione
Greg Rucka (script) / Drew Edward Johnson (art) / Drew Johnson (art) / Ray Snyder (inks) / Patricia Mulvihill (colors) / Wildstorm FX (colors)
22 pagine
da Wonder Woman vol 2 # 195, DC Comics - USA (Ott 2003)

Wonder Woman
Down To Earth, Part 1
Greg Rucka (script) / Drew Edward Johnson (art) / Drew Johnson (art) / Ray Snyder (inks)
Down To Earth, Part 1
Greg Rucka (script) / Drew Edward Johnson (art) / Drew Johnson (art) / Ray Snyder (inks)
22 pagine
da Wonder Woman vol 2 # 196, DC Comics - USA (Nov 2003)

Wonder Woman
Down To Earth, Part 2
Greg Rucka (script) / Drew Edward Johnson (art) / Drew Johnson (art) / Ray Snyder (inks)
Down To Earth, Part 2
Greg Rucka (script) / Drew Edward Johnson (art) / Drew Johnson (art) / Ray Snyder (inks)
22 pagine
da Wonder Woman vol 2 # 197, DC Comics - USA (Dic 2003)

Wonder Woman
Down To Earth, Part 3
Greg Rucka (script) / Drew Edward Johnson (art) / Drew Johnson (art) / Ray Snyder (inks)
Down To Earth, Part 3
Greg Rucka (script) / Drew Edward Johnson (art) / Drew Johnson (art) / Ray Snyder (inks)
22 pagine
da Wonder Woman vol 2 # 198, DC Comics - USA (Gen 2004)

Wonder Woman
Down To Earth, Part 4
Greg Rucka (script) / Drew Edward Johnson (art) / Drew Johnson (art) / Ray Snyder (inks)
Down To Earth, Part 4
Greg Rucka (script) / Drew Edward Johnson (art) / Drew Johnson (art) / Ray Snyder (inks)
22 pagine
da Wonder Woman vol 2 # 199, DC Comics - USA (Feb 2004)

Wonder Woman
Down To Earth, Conclusion
Greg Rucka (script) / Drew Edward Johnson (art) / Drew Johnson (art) / Ray Snyder (inks) / Tanya Horie (colors) / Richard Horie (colors)
Down To Earth, Conclusion
Greg Rucka (script) / Drew Edward Johnson (art) / Drew Johnson (art) / Ray Snyder (inks) / Tanya Horie (colors) / Richard Horie (colors)
22 pagine
da Wonder Woman vol 2 # 200, DC Comics - USA (Mar 2004)

Wonder Woman
Greg Rucka (script) / Linda Medley (art) / Linda Medley (inks) / Ray Snyder (inks) / Richard Horie (colors) / Tanya Horie (colors)
Greg Rucka (script) / Linda Medley (art) / Linda Medley (inks) / Ray Snyder (inks) / Richard Horie (colors) / Tanya Horie (colors)
8 pagine
da Wonder Woman vol 2 # 200, DC Comics - USA (Mar 2004)

22 pagine
da Wonder Woman vol 2 # 201, DC Comics - USA (Apr 2004)
Prima pubblicazione in Italia: Wonder Woman Alfa, Panini Comics (Giu 2020)

Wonder Woman
Bitter Pills, Part 1
Greg Rucka (script) / Drew Edward Johnson (art) / Drew Johnson (art) / Ray Snyder (inks)
Bitter Pills, Part 1
Greg Rucka (script) / Drew Edward Johnson (art) / Drew Johnson (art) / Ray Snyder (inks)
22 pagine
da Wonder Woman vol 2 # 203, DC Comics - USA (Giu 2004)

Wonder Woman
Bitter Pills, Part 2
Greg Rucka (script) / Drew Edward Johnson (art) / Drew Johnson (art) / Ray Snyder (inks)
Bitter Pills, Part 2
Greg Rucka (script) / Drew Edward Johnson (art) / Drew Johnson (art) / Ray Snyder (inks)
22 pagine
da Wonder Woman vol 2 # 204, DC Comics - USA (Lug 2004)

Wonder Woman
Bitter Pills, Part 3
Greg Rucka (script) / Drew Edward Johnson (art) / Drew Johnson (art) / Ray Snyder (inks)
Bitter Pills, Part 3
Greg Rucka (script) / Drew Edward Johnson (art) / Drew Johnson (art) / Ray Snyder (inks)
22 pagine
da Wonder Woman vol 2 # 205, DC Comics - USA (Ago 2004)
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