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DC Collection # 110

Diana combatte per la pace nel mondo degli uomini: un lavoro tutt'altro che semplice! Le nuove avventure di Wonder Woman in carica come agente di pace negli Stati Uniti e nel resto del globo! Nazioni in subbuglio, streghe malvagie e bracconieri. Amici come Steve Trevor e Zatanna e nemici del calibro di Cheetah e Lex Luthor…Una serie di racconti inediti firmati da Bryan Hill, Tim Seeley, Aaron Lopresti, Tom Derenick e tanti altri!

DC Collection # 110 | Wonder Woman: Agente di pace, vol 2: Protettrice del Mondo

Panini Comics Settembre 2024
Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace # 12
Wonder Woman
Still Waters
Liz Erickson (script) / Jose Luis (art) / Jonas Trindade (inks) / Hi-Fi Colour Design (colors)
16 pagine

da Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace # 12, DC Comics - USA (Ago 2020)
Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace # 13
Wonder Woman
Power Drive
Ivan Cohen (script) / Pop Mhan (art) / Pop Mhan (inks) / Rex Lokus (colors)
16 pagine

da Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace # 13, DC Comics - USA (Ott 2020)
Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace # 14
Wonder Woman
Under the Radar
Amanda Deibert (script) / Aaron Lopresti (art) / Matt Ryan (inks) / Hi-Fi Colour Design (colors)
16 pagine

da Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace # 14, DC Comics - USA (Ott 2020)
Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace # 15
Wonder Woman
Danny Lore (script) / Maria Laura Sanapo (art) / Maria Laura Sanapo (inks) / Wendy Broome (colors)
16 pagine

da Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace # 15, DC Comics - USA (Nov 2020)
Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace # 16
Wonder Woman
Fear the Dark
Andrew Wheeler (script) / Paul Pelletier (art) / Norm Rapmund (inks) / Adriano Lucas (colors)
16 pagine

da Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace # 16, DC Comics - USA (Nov 2020)
Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace # 17
Wonder Woman
The Bodyguard
Andrea Shea (script) / Isaac Goodhart (art) / Isaac Goodhart (inks) / Cris Peter (colors)
16 pagine

da Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace # 17, DC Comics - USA (Nov 2020)
Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace # 18
Wonder Woman
Fight Night
Cavan Scott (script) / Jose Luis (art) / Jonas Trindade (inks) / Rex Lokus (colors)
16 pagine

da Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace # 18, DC Comics - USA (Nov 2020)
Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace # 19
Wonder Woman
One Night in Tokyo
Bryan Edward Hill (script) / Bryan Hill (script) / Andrea Broccardo (art) / Andrea Broccardo (inks) / Sian Mandrake (colors)
16 pagine

da Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace # 19, DC Comics - USA (Dic 2020)
Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace # 20
Wonder Woman
Darkness Below
Tim Seeley (script) / V Ken Marion (art) / V Ken Marion (inks) / Emilio Lopez (colors)
16 pagine

da Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace # 20, DC Comics - USA (Dic 2020)
Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace # 21
Donna Troy e Wonder Woman
Dan Abnett (script) / Thomas Derenick (art) / Thomas Derenick (inks) / Rex Lokus (colors)
16 pagine

da Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace # 21, DC Comics - USA (Dic 2020)
Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace # 22
Wonder Woman
Lost in Fear
Josh Trujillo (script) / Hendry Prasetya (art) / Hendry Prasetya (inks) / Ulises Arreola (colors)
16 pagine

da Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace # 22, DC Comics - USA (Dic 2020)
Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace # 23
Wonder Woman
Hunting Ground
Christos Gage (script) / Neil Edwards (art) / Neil Edwards (inks) / Jeromy Cox (colors)
16 pagine

da Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace # 23, DC Comics - USA (Dic 2020)