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DC Collection # 45
Copertina di Gary Frank

Trenta storie speciali. Trenta team artistici eccezionali. Trenta interpretazioni di Superman! Chi è davvero l'Uomo d'Acciaio? Cosa lo rende così speciale e così amato? E come viene visto dalla gente comune? Un volume straordinario che celebra il primo e più grande dei supereroi. Con la partecipazione di prestigiose firme come Marc Buckingham, Mark Waid, Matt Wagner e Michel Fiffe!

DC Collection # 45 | Superman: Red and Blue

Panini Comics Marzo 2022
Superman: Red and Blue # 1
John Ridley (script) / Clayton Henry (art) / Clayton Henry (inks) / Jordie Bellaire (colors)
8 pagine

da Superman: Red and Blue # 1, DC Comics - USA (Mag 2021)
Superman: Red and Blue # 1
The Measure of Hope
Brandon Easton (script) / Steve Lieber (art) / Steve Lieber (inks) / Ron Chan (colors)
8 pagine

da Superman: Red and Blue # 1, DC Comics - USA (Mag 2021)
Superman: Red and Blue # 1
The Boy Who Saved Superman
Wes Craig (script) / Wes Craig (art) / Wes Craig (inks) / Wes Craig (colors)
8 pagine

da Superman: Red and Blue # 1, DC Comics - USA (Mag 2021)
Superman: Red and Blue # 1
Human Colors
Dan Watters (script) / Dani (art) / Dani (inks) / Dani (colors)
8 pagine

da Superman: Red and Blue # 1, DC Comics - USA (Mag 2021)
Superman: Red and Blue # 1
The School of Hard-Knock Jokes
Marguerite Bennett (script) / Jill Thompson (art) / Jill Thompson (inks) / Jill Thompson (colors)
8 pagine

da Superman: Red and Blue # 1, DC Comics - USA (Mag 2021)
Superman: Red and Blue # 2
Steven T. Seagle (script) / Duncan Rouleau (art) / Duncan Rouleau (inks) / Duncan Rouleau (colors)
8 pagine

da Superman: Red and Blue # 2, DC Comics - USA (Giu 2021)
Superman: Red and Blue # 2
Into the Ghost Zone
Chuck Brown (script) / Denys Cowan (art) / John Stanisci (inks) / Chris Sotomayor (colors)
8 pagine

da Superman: Red and Blue # 2, DC Comics - USA (Giu 2021)
Superman: Red and Blue # 2
Dan Panosian (script) / Dan Panosian (art) / Dan Panosian (inks) / Dan Panosian (colors)
8 pagine

da Superman: Red and Blue # 2, DC Comics - USA (Giu 2021)
Superman: Red and Blue # 2
My Best Friend, Superman
Stephanie Phillips (script) / Marley Zarcone (art) / Marley Zarcone (inks) / Marley Zarcone (colors)
8 pagine

da Superman: Red and Blue # 2, DC Comics - USA (Giu 2021)
Superman: Red and Blue # 2
S is for Cyborg
Jason Howard (script) / Jason Howard (art) / Jason Howard (inks) / Jason Howard (colors)
8 pagine

da Superman: Red and Blue # 2, DC Comics - USA (Giu 2021)
Superman: Red and Blue # 3
John Holland (script) / Laura Braga (art) / Laura Braga (inks) / Hi Fi (colors)
8 pagine

da Superman: Red and Blue # 3, DC Comics - USA (Lug 2021)
Superman: Red and Blue # 3
Kilg%re City
Michel Fiffe (script) / Michel Fiffe (art) / Michel Fiffe (inks) / Michel Fiffe (colors)
8 pagine

da Superman: Red and Blue # 3, DC Comics - USA (Lug 2021)
Superman: Red and Blue # 3
A Man Most Saved
Brandon Thomas (script) / Berat Pekmezci (art) / Berat Pekmezci (inks) / Berat Pekmezci (colors)
8 pagine

da Superman: Red and Blue # 3, DC Comics - USA (Lug 2021)
Superman: Red and Blue # 3
Something To Hold On To
Nick Spencer (script) / Christian Ward (art) / Christian Ward (inks) / Christian Ward (colors)
8 pagine

da Superman: Red and Blue # 3, DC Comics - USA (Lug 2021)
Superman: Red and Blue # 3
Little Star
James Stokoe (script) / James Stokoe (art) / James Stokoe (inks) / James Stokoe (colors)
8 pagine

da Superman: Red and Blue # 3, DC Comics - USA (Lug 2021)
Superman: Red and Blue # 4
Mark Waid (script) / Audrey Mok (art) / Audrey Mok (inks) / Jordie Bellaire (colors)
8 pagine

da Superman: Red and Blue # 4, DC Comics - USA (Ago 2021)
Superman: Red and Blue # 4
Prospect of Tomorrow
Francis Manapul (script) / Francis Manapul (art) / Francis Manapul (inks) / Francis Manapul (colors)
8 pagine

da Superman: Red and Blue # 4, DC Comics - USA (Ago 2021)
Superman: Red and Blue # 4
A Little is a Lot
Robert Venditti (script) / Alitha Martinez (art) / Alitha Martinez (inks) / Emilio Lopez (colors)
8 pagine

da Superman: Red and Blue # 4, DC Comics - USA (Ago 2021)
Superman: Red and Blue # 4
For The Man Who Has Nothing
Michael W. Conrad (script) / Cully Hamner (art) / Cully Hamner (inks) / Cully Hamner (colors)
8 pagine

da Superman: Red and Blue # 4, DC Comics - USA (Ago 2021)
Superman: Red and Blue # 4
Rich Douek (script) / Joe Quinones (art) / Joe Quinones (inks) / Joe Quinones (colors)
8 pagine

da Superman: Red and Blue # 4, DC Comics - USA (Ago 2021)
Superman: Red and Blue # 5
Judd Winick (script) / Ibrahim Moustafa (art) / Ibrahim Moustafa (inks) / Ibrahim Moustafa (colors)
8 pagine

da Superman: Red and Blue # 5, DC Comics - USA (Set 2021)
Superman: Red and Blue # 5
G. Willow Wilson (script) / Valentine De Landro (art) / Valentine De Landro (inks) / Valentine De Landro (colors)
8 pagine

da Superman: Red and Blue # 5, DC Comics - USA (Set 2021)
Superman: Red and Blue # 5
Your Favorite
Joshua Williamson (script) / Chris Sprouse (art) / Karl Story (inks) / Hi Fi (colors)
8 pagine

da Superman: Red and Blue # 5, DC Comics - USA (Set 2021)
Superman: Red and Blue # 5
Red Sun… Blue Dot
Mark Buckingham (script) / Mark Buckingham (art) / Mark Buckingham (inks) / Lee Loughridge (colors)
8 pagine

da Superman: Red and Blue # 5, DC Comics - USA (Set 2021)
Superman: Red and Blue # 5
Daniel Warren Johnson (script) / Daniel Warren Johnson (art) / Daniel Warren Johnson (inks) / Daniel Warren Johnson (colors)
8 pagine

da Superman: Red and Blue # 5, DC Comics - USA (Set 2021)
Superman: Red and Blue # 6
Streaky the Supercat
Hissy Fit
Sophie Campbell (script) / Sophie Campbell (art) / Sophie Campbell (inks) / Sophie Campbell (colors)
8 pagine

da Superman: Red and Blue # 6, DC Comics - USA (Ott 2021)
Superman: Red and Blue # 6
The Scoop
Matt Wagner (script) / Matt Wagner (art) / Matt Wagner (inks) / Brennan Wagner (colors)
8 pagine

da Superman: Red and Blue # 6, DC Comics - USA (Ott 2021)
Superman: Red and Blue # 6
The Scoop
Matt Wagner (script) / Matt Wagner (art) / Matt Wagner (inks) / Brennan Wagner (colors)
8 pagine

da Superman: Red and Blue # 6, DC Comics - USA (Ott 2021)
Superman: Red and Blue # 6
The Special
Tom King (script) / Paolo Rivera (art) / Paolo Rivera (inks) / Paolo Rivera (colors)
8 pagine

da Superman: Red and Blue # 6, DC Comics - USA (Ott 2021)
Superman: Red and Blue # 6
Son of Farmers
Darcie Little Badger (script) / Steve Pugh (art) / Steve Pugh (inks) / Steve Pugh (colors)
8 pagine

da Superman: Red and Blue # 6, DC Comics - USA (Ott 2021)
Superman: Red and Blue # 6
Rex Ogle (script) / Mike Norton (art) / Mike Norton (inks) / Mike Norton (colors)
8 pagine

da Superman: Red and Blue # 6, DC Comics - USA (Ott 2021)