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DC Collection # 12
Copertina di Michael Golden

Nuovo appuntamento con le storie del gruppo "segreto" di Batman! Deluso dai metodi del Pipistrello e di Black Lightning, Duke Thomas ha trovato rifugio nella filosofia di Ra's al Ghul… Comincia così una partita a scacchi mentale fra buoni e cattivi che rischia di distruggere gli Outsiders! Inoltre: il fato di Black Lightning!

DC Collection # 12 | Batman e gli Outsiders, vol 2: Punto di rottura

Panini Comics Ottobre 2020
Batman and the Outsiders Annual vol 3 # 1
Batman and the Outsiders
Into the Soultaker
Bryan Edward Hill (script) / Bryan Hill (script) / Max Raynor (art) / Luis Guerrero (colors)
38 pagine

da Batman and the Outsiders Annual vol 3, DC Comics - USA (Dic 2019)
Batman and the Outsiders vol 3 # 7
Batman and the Outsiders
Call Me Ishmael
Bryan Edward Hill (script) / Bryan Hill (script) / Cian Tormey (art) / Adriano Lucas (colors)
22 pagine

da Batman and the Outsiders vol 3 # 7, DC Comics - USA (Gen 2020)
Batman and the Outsiders vol 3 # 8
Batman and the Outsiders
A League of Their Own, Part 1
Bryan Edward Hill (script) / Bryan Hill (script) / Dexter Soy (art) / Veronica Gandini (colors)
22 pagine

da Batman and the Outsiders vol 3 # 8, DC Comics - USA (Feb 2020)
Batman and the Outsiders vol 3 # 9
Batman and the Outsiders
A League of Their Own, Part 2
Bryan Edward Hill (script) / Bryan Hill (script) / Dexter Soy (art) / Veronica Gandini (colors)
22 pagine

da Batman and the Outsiders vol 3 # 9, DC Comics - USA (Mar 2020)
Batman and the Outsiders vol 3 # 10
Batman and the Outsiders
A League of Their Own, Part 3
Bryan Edward Hill (script) / Bryan Hill (script) / Dexter Soy (art) / Veronica Gandini (colors)
22 pagine

da Batman and the Outsiders vol 3 # 10, DC Comics - USA (Apr 2020)
Batman and the Outsiders vol 3 # 11
Batman and the Outsiders
A League of Their Own, Part 4
Bryan Edward Hill (script) / Bryan Hill (script) / Dexter Soy (art) / Veronica Gandini (colors)
22 pagine

da Batman and the Outsiders vol 3 # 11, DC Comics - USA (Mag 2020)
Batman and the Outsiders vol 3 # 12
Batman and the Outsiders
A League of Their Own, Finale
Bryan Edward Hill (script) / Bryan Hill (script) / Dexter Soy (art) / Veronica Gandini (colors)
22 pagine

da Batman and the Outsiders vol 3 # 12, DC Comics - USA (Lug 2020)