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laracelo / Miku_95 / liborioplatania / Deboroh / maurozola

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Dark Tower: The Gunslinger - The Battle of Tull # 3
Copertina di Michael Lark

Dark Tower: The Gunslinger - The Battle of Tull # 3

Marvel Comics Ottobre 2011
Roland Deschain
The Gunslinger - The Battle of Tull, part three
Peter David (script) / Robin Furth (script) / Michael Lark (art) / Stefano Gaudiano (inks) / Richard Isanove (colors)
22 pagine

Pubblicazione italiana: Comics Usa # 61 - La Torre Nera: La Battaglia di Tull 2, Marvel Italia (Ott 2012), La Torre Nera # 8 - L'ultimo cavaliere: la battaglia di Tull, Sperling&Kupfer (Set 2013)