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Cosmo Comics # 48

Cosmo Comics # 48 | Mister X - Gli archivi, vol 2

Editoriale Cosmo Gennaio 2019
Mister X # 8
Mister X
The Secret
Dean Motter (script) / Seth (art) / William Diamond (inks) / Paul Rivoche (colors)
17 pagine

da Mister X # 8, Vortex - USA (Ott 1986)
Prima pubblicazione in Italia: Mister X. The definitive collection # 3 - Mister X. The definitive collection vol. 3, Free Books (Feb 2006)
Mister X # 9
Mister X
The Secret
Dean Motter (script) / Seth (art) / Seth (inks) / Deborah Marks (colors)
22 pagine

da Mister X # 9, Vortex - USA (Dic 1986)
Prima pubblicazione in Italia: Mister X. The definitive collection # 3 - Mister X. The definitive collection vol. 3, Free Books (Feb 2006)
Mister X # 10
Mister X
Nightclubs and daydreams, Part One
Dean Motter (script) / Seth (art) / Seth (inks) / Deborah Marks (colors)
10 pagine

da Mister X # 10, Vortex - USA (Ago 1987)
Prima pubblicazione in Italia: Mister X. The definitive collection # 3 - Mister X. The definitive collection vol. 3, Free Books (Feb 2006)
Mister X # 10
Mister X
Nightclubs and daydreams, Part two
Dean Motter (script) / Seth (art) / Seth (inks) / Deborah Marks (colors)
7 pagine

da Mister X # 10, Vortex - USA (Ago 1987)
Prima pubblicazione in Italia: Mister X. The definitive collection # 4 - Mister X. The definitive collection vol. 4, Free Books (Lug 2006)
Mister X # 11
Mister X
Nightclubs and daydreams, Part Three
Dean Motter (script) / Seth (art) / Seth (inks) / Deborah Marks (colors)
17 pagine

da Mister X # 11, Vortex - USA (Nov 1987)
Prima pubblicazione in Italia: Mister X. The definitive collection # 4 - Mister X. The definitive collection vol. 4, Free Books (Lug 2006)
Mister X # 12
Mister X
Nightclubs and daydreams, Part Four
Dean Motter (script) / Seth (art) / Seth (inks) / Deborah Marks (colors)
13 pagine

da Mister X # 12, Vortex - USA (Gen 1988)
Prima pubblicazione in Italia: Mister X. The definitive collection # 4 - Mister X. The definitive collection vol. 4, Free Books (Lug 2006)
Mister X # 12
Mister X
Nightclubs and daydreams, Part Five
Dean Motter (script) / Seth (art) / Seth (inks) / Deborah Marks (colors)
9 pagine

da Mister X # 12, Vortex - USA (Gen 1988)
Prima pubblicazione in Italia: Mister X. The definitive collection # 4 - Mister X. The definitive collection vol. 4, Free Books (Lug 2006)
Mister X # 13
Mister X
Nightclubs and daydreams, Part Six
Dean Motter (script) / Seth (art) / Seth (inks) / Deborah Marks (colors)
11 pagine

da Mister X # 13, Vortex - USA (Giu 1988)
Prima pubblicazione in Italia: Mister X. The definitive collection # 4 - Mister X. The definitive collection vol. 4, Free Books (Lug 2006)
Mister X # 13
Mister X
Nightclubs and daydreams, Part Seven
Dean Motter (script) / Seth (art) / Seth (inks) / Deborah Marks (colors)
11 pagine

da Mister X # 13, Vortex - USA (Giu 1988)
Prima pubblicazione in Italia: Mister X. The definitive collection # 4 - Mister X. The definitive collection vol. 4, Free Books (Lug 2006)
Mister X # 14
Mister X
Nightclubs and daydreams, Part Eight
Dean Motter (script) / Rodney Dunn (art) / Rodney Dunn (inks) / Deborah Marks (colors)
26 pagine

da Mister X # 14, Vortex - USA (Ago 1988)
Prima pubblicazione in Italia: Mister X. The definitive collection # 4 - Mister X. The definitive collection vol. 4, Free Books (Lug 2006)