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Blackblood / giorgiocomics / ShineDead / JUVE1971 / Frogolo / ickers83

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Il Corvo Presenta # 25

Il Corvo Presenta # 25

Magic Press Dicembre 1997
Stray Bullets # 7
Stray Bullets
David Lapham (script) / David Lapham (art) / David Lapham (inks)
30 pagine

da Stray Bullets # 7, El Capitán Books - USA (Nov 1995)
Preacher Special # 2
The Good Old Boys 2ª parte
Garth Ennis (script) / Carlos Ezquerra (art) / Carlos Ezquerra (inks)
23 pagine

da Preacher Special # 2, Vertigo - USA (Ago 1997)