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Comics&Science Edizione Speciale Fuori Commercio # 4
Copertina di Sergio Ponchione

Comics&Science Edizione Speciale Fuori Commercio # 4

The e-cam Issue
Cnr Edizioni Novembre 2020
Ekham the Wise
Ekham the Wise
Giovanni Eccher (script) / Sergio Ponchione (art)
There is a reality permeating our world but still invisible to the general public. Today, our understanding of the physical world relies on sophisticated mathematical tools and this is taken for granted. What is much less obvious is “how” this takes place. Giovanni and Sergio created for us the unique story of Ekham the wise, a magnificent witch that – with an accurate model and the help of a High Performance Cauldron (!) – enables Prince Variant to defeat the fearful Dragon that has kidnapped Princess Beauty. As usual, the King had promised the Princess’s hand to the vanquisher of the dragon, but things don’t turn out exactly as expected….This book has been produced in partnership with CECAM–Centre Européen de Calcul Atomique et Moléculaire and the EU funded E-CAM project as an attempt to make that "how" clearer.

24 pagine

Ristampa: Comics & Science # 2 - Volume 2, Feltrinelli Comics (Mag 2022)