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Classici DC: Il Quarto Mondo di John Byrne # 3
Copertina di Alan Davis

Classici DC: Il Quarto Mondo di John Byrne # 3

Il Quarto Mondo di John Byrne 3
Planeta DeAgostini Settembre 2008
Jack Kirby's Fourth World # 6
Kalibak; Darkseid; Celestia; Lightray; Female Furies [Mad Harriet; Bernadeth; Lashina; Stompa]; Takion; Orion
John Byrne (script) / John Byrne (art) / John Byrne (inks) / Noelle Giddings (colors)
17 pagine

da Jack Kirby's Fourth World # 6, DC Comics - USA (Ago 1997)
Jack Kirby's Fourth World # 6
Mr. Miracle
Tales of the New Gods - Young Scott Free
John Byrne (script) / John Byrne (art) / John Byrne (inks) / Noelle Giddings (colors)
5 pagine

da Jack Kirby's Fourth World # 6, DC Comics - USA (Ago 1997)
Jack Kirby's Fourth World # 7
Lightray; Highfather; Takion; Desaad; Darkseid; Black Racer; Orion; Forever People
The Way of the Warrior
John Byrne (script) / John Byrne (art) / John Byrne (inks) / Noelle Giddings (colors)
18 pagine

da Jack Kirby's Fourth World # 7, DC Comics - USA (Set 1997)
Jack Kirby's Fourth World # 7
Mr. Miracle; Metron
Tales of the New Gods - Go West Young God
John Byrne (script) / John Byrne (art) / John Byrne (inks) / Noelle Giddings (colors)
4 pagine

da Jack Kirby's Fourth World # 7, DC Comics - USA (Set 1997)
Jack Kirby's Fourth World # 8
Forever People; Zeus; Jove; Odin; Highfather; Ares; Barda; Mr. Miracle; Orion; Lightray; Takion
Godhood's End
John Byrne (script) / John Byrne (art) / Noelle Giddings (colors)
17 pagine

da Jack Kirby's Fourth World # 8, DC Comics - USA (Ott 1997)
Jack Kirby's Fourth World # 8
Mr. Miracle; Metron
Tales of the New Gods - Tumbleweeds
John Byrne (script) / John Byrne (art) / Noelle Giddings (colors)
5 pagine

da Jack Kirby's Fourth World # 8, DC Comics - USA (Ott 1997)
Genesis # 1
John Byrne (script) / Ron Wagner (art) / Joe Rubinstein (inks) / Trish Mulvihill (colors)
22 pagine

da Genesis # 1, DC Comics - USA (Ott 1997)
Prima pubblicazione in Italia: Play Press Presenta # 7 - Genesi, Play Press (Gen 1998)
Genesis # 2
Edge of Destruction
John Byrne (script) / Ron Wagner (art) / Joe Rubinstein (inks) / Trish Mulvihill (colors)
22 pagine

da Genesis # 2, DC Comics - USA (Ott 1997)
Prima pubblicazione in Italia: Play Press Presenta # 7 - Genesi, Play Press (Gen 1998)