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Classici DC: Batman e gli Outsiders # 3
Copertina di Alan Davis

La collana giunge al capolinea con la separazione di Batman dagli Outsiders. Riusciranno i nostri eroi a continuare senza il loro mentore? Mike W. Barr e Alan Davis firmano queste ultime avventure e ci regalano l'origine del nuovo acquisto Looker, probabilmente il membro più potente che il gruppo abbia mai avuto. Il volume include inoltre DC Comics Presents #83, una storia in cui Superman e gli Outsiders si scontreranno niente meno che con... Alfred il maggiordomo!

Classici DC: Batman e gli Outsiders # 3

Planeta DeAgostini Maggio 2010
Batman and the Outsiders Vol 1 # 25
Batman and the Outsiders
A Serpent in Eden!
Mike W. Barr (script) / Alan Davis (art) / Alan Davis (inks) / Adrienne Roy (colors)
24 pagine

da Batman and the Outsiders Vol 1 # 25, DC Comics - USA (Set 1985)
Batman and the Outsiders Vol 1 # 26
Batman and the Outsiders
Serpent in the Sky!
Mike W. Barr (script) / Alan Davis (art) / Alan Davis (inks) / Adrienne Roy (colors)
24 pagine

da Batman and the Outsiders Vol 1 # 26, DC Comics - USA (Ott 1985)
Batman and the Outsiders Vol 1 # 27
Batman and the Outsiders
War Stars!
Mike W. Barr (script) / Alan Davis (art) / Alan Davis (inks) / Adrienne Roy (colors)
24 pagine

da Batman and the Outsiders Vol 1 # 27, DC Comics - USA (Nov 1985)
DC Comics Presents # 83
Superman/Batman and the Outsiders
Shadow of the Outsider!
Mike W. Barr (script) / Irv Novick (art) / Dave Hunt (inks) / Gene D'Angelo (colors)
24 pagine

da DC Comics Presents # 83, DC Comics - USA (Lug 1985)
Batman and the Outsiders Annual Vol 1 # 2
Batman and the Outsiders
Dissembler at the Wedding!
Mike W. Barr (script) / David Ross (art) / Dan Adkins (inks) / Adrienne Roy (colors)
52 pagine

da Batman and the Outsiders Annual Vol 1 # 2, DC Comics - USA (Set 1985)
Batman and the Outsiders Vol 1 # 28
Batman and the Outsiders
The Truth About Looker Part 1: Abduction From Below
Mike W. Barr (script) / Alan Davis (art) / Alan Davis (inks) / Adrienne Roy (colors)
24 pagine

da Batman and the Outsiders Vol 1 # 28, DC Comics - USA (Dic 1985)
Batman and the Outsiders Vol 1 # 29
Batman and the Outsiders
The Truth About Looker Part 2: The People of the Abyss!
Mike W. Barr (script) / Alan Davis (art) / Alan Davis (inks) / Adrienne Roy (colors)
24 pagine

da Batman and the Outsiders Vol 1 # 29, DC Comics - USA (Gen 1986)
Batman and the Outsiders Vol 1 # 30
Batman and the Outsiders
The Truth About Looker Part 3: This Envious Race!
Mike W. Barr (script) / Alan Davis (art) / Alan Davis (inks) / Adrienne Roy (colors)
24 pagine

da Batman and the Outsiders Vol 1 # 30, DC Comics - USA (Feb 1986)
Batman and the Outsiders Vol 1 # 31
Batman and the Outsiders
The Truth About Looker Part 4: Pawn of the World Below!
Mike W. Barr (script) / Alan Davis (art) / Alan Davis (inks) / Adrienne Roy (colors)
24 pagine

da Batman and the Outsiders Vol 1 # 31, DC Comics - USA (Mar 1986)
Batman and the Outsiders Vol 1 # 32
Batman and the Outsiders
A New War's Winning!
Mike W. Barr (script) / Alan Davis (art) / Alan Davis (inks) / Adrienne Roy (colors)
24 pagine

da Batman and the Outsiders Vol 1 # 32, DC Comics - USA (Apr 1986)
Adventures of the Outsiders Vol 1 # 33
A Tiny Deadly War
Mike W. Barr (script) / Alan Davis (art) / Alan Davis (inks) / Adrienne Roy (colors)
24 pagine

da Adventures of the Outsiders Vol 1 # 33, DC Comics - USA (Mag 1986)
Adventures of the Outsiders Vol 1 # 34
Against All Odds
Mike W. Barr (script) / Alan Davis (art) / Paul Neary (inks) / Adrienne Roy (colors)
24 pagine

da Adventures of the Outsiders Vol 1 # 34, DC Comics - USA (Giu 1986)
Adventures of the Outsiders Vol 1 # 35
Sympathy for the Fuhrer
Mike W. Barr (script) / Alan Davis (art) / Paul Neary (inks) / Adrienne Roy (colors)
24 pagine

da Adventures of the Outsiders Vol 1 # 35, DC Comics - USA (Lug 1986)
Adventures of the Outsiders Vol 1 # 36
Agents of Change
Mike W. Barr (script) / Alan Davis (art) / Paul Neary (inks) / Adrienne Roy (colors)
24 pagine

da Adventures of the Outsiders Vol 1 # 36, DC Comics - USA (Ago 1986)