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PaoloBruschetti su , PaoloBruschetti su Wolverine # 228, eotvos su Preacher # 1, majinberto su Preacher # 1, Deboroh su Nuvole in tempesta # 1,


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Catwoman # 2

Catwoman # 2

Planeta DeAgostini Febbraio 2007
Catwoman vol 3 # 25
Fire With Fire
Ed Brubaker (script) / Paul Gulacy (art) / Jimmy Palmiotti (inks)
22 pagine

da Catwoman vol 3 # 25, DC Comics - USA (Gen 2004)
Catwoman vol 3 # 26
A Knife In The Dark
Ed Brubaker (script) / Paul Gulacy (art) / Jimmy Palmiotti (inks)
22 pagine

da Catwoman vol 3 # 26, DC Comics - USA (Feb 2004)
Catwoman vol 3 # 27
Night Moves
Ed Brubaker (script) / Paul Gulacy (art) / Jimmy Palmiotti (inks)
22 pagine

da Catwoman vol 3 # 27, DC Comics - USA (Mar 2004)
Catwoman vol 3 # 28
Miss Calculating
Ed Brubaker (script) / Paul Gulacy (art) / Jimmy Palmiotti (inks)
22 pagine

da Catwoman vol 3 # 28, DC Comics - USA (Apr 2004)
Catwoman vol 3 # 29
Under Pressure
Ed Brubaker (script) / Paul Gulacy (art) / Jimmy Palmiotti (inks)
22 pagine

da Catwoman vol 3 # 29, DC Comics - USA (Mag 2004)