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R. Crumb's Carload o' Comics # 1
Copertina di Robert Crumb

R. Crumb's Carload o' Comics

Bélier Press Gennaio 1976
The People's Comics # 1
Robert Crumb
The Confessions of R. Crumb (Le confessioni di R. Crumb)
Robert Crumb (script) / Robert Crumb (art) / Robert Crumb (inks)
4 pagine

da The People's Comics, Golden Gate Publishing Company - USA (Set 1972)
Mr. Natural # 2
Flakey Foont; Mr. Natural
A Gurl in Hotpants (Mr. Natural e Flakey Foont in Una pupa in shorts)
Robert Crumb (script) / Robert Crumb (art) / Robert Crumb (inks)
3 pagine

da Mr. Natural # 2, San Francisco Comic Book Company - USA (Ott 1971)
Mr. Natural # 1
Mr. Natural and Shuman the Human
Om Sweet Om (Mr. Natural e Shuman the Human in 'Om, dolce om')
Robert Crumb (script) / Robert Crumb (art) / Robert Crumb (inks)
5 pagine

da Mr. Natural # 1, San Francisco Comic Book Company - USA (Ago 1970)
Mr. Natural # 1
Mr. Natural
On the Bum Again (Mr. Natural in "Di Nouvo per Strada")
Robert Crumb (script) / Robert Crumb (art) / Robert Crumb (inks)
9 pagine

da Mr. Natural # 1, San Francisco Comic Book Company - USA (Ago 1970)
Mr. Natural # 2
Mr. Natural
On the Bum Again, part two (Mr. Natural in "Di Nouvo per Strada" - Seconda Parte)
Robert Crumb (script) / Robert Crumb (art) / Robert Crumb (inks)
6 pagine

da Mr. Natural # 2, San Francisco Comic Book Company - USA (Ott 1971)
Big Ass Comics # 1
Big Baby
Big Baby the Infant Terrible
Robert Crumb (script) / Robert Crumb (art) / Robert Crumb (inks)
1 pagine

da Big Ass Comics # 1, Rip Off Press - USA (Giu 1969)
Mr. Natural # 1
Little Johnny Fuckerfaster
Robert Crumb (script) / Robert Crumb (art) / Robert Crumb (inks)
1 pagine

Prima pubblicazione: The Organ (Christopher Weills, 1970 series) #2 - USA (Set 1970)
da Mr. Natural # 1, San Francisco Comic Book Company - USA (Ago 1970)
Tales from the Leather Nun  # 1
Robert Crumb
The Adventures of R. Crumb Himself
Robert Crumb (script) / Robert Crumb (art) / Robert Crumb (inks)
4 pagine

da Tales from the Leather Nun , Last Gasp - USA (Set 1973)
Yellow Dog # 13-14
Chuck and Bob
Ups and Downs
Robert Crumb (script) / Robert Crumb (art) / Robert Crumb (inks)
5 pagine

da Yellow Dog # 13-14 - v2#2, Print Mint - USA (Set 1969)
Tales from the Tube # 1
Salty Dog Sam
Goes Surfin'!
Robert Crumb (script) / Robert Crumb (art) / Robert Crumb (inks)
1 pagine

da Tales from the Tube, Print Mint - USA (Gen 1973)
Despair # 1
Angelfood McSpade
Robert Crumb (script) / Robert Crumb (art) / Robert Crumb (inks)
0.875 pagine

Prima pubblicazione: The East Village Other (East Village Other, 1965 series) - USA (Ott 1968)
da Despair, Print Mint - USA (Gen 1969)
Despair # 1
Spiegal & Schliegal
Cum Cum Comics
Robert Crumb (script) / Robert Crumb (art) / Robert Crumb (inks)
0.125 pagine

Prima pubblicazione: The East Village Other (East Village Other, 1965 series) - USA (Ott 1968)
da Despair, Print Mint - USA (Gen 1969)
Big Ass Comics # 1
Dale Steinberger
Dale Steinberger the Jewish Cowgirl (Dale Steinberger - L'ebrea cowgirl)
Robert Crumb (script) / Robert Crumb (art) / Robert Crumb (inks)
4 pagine

da Big Ass Comics # 1, Rip Off Press - USA (Giu 1969)
XYZ Comics # 1
Robert Crumb
The Many Faces of R. Crumb
Robert Crumb (script) / Robert Crumb (art) / Robert Crumb (inks)
2 pagine

da XYZ Comics, Kitchen Sink Publishing - USA (Giu 1972)
XYZ Comics # 1
Robert Crumb (script) / Robert Crumb (art) / Robert Crumb (inks)
1 pagine

da XYZ Comics, Kitchen Sink Publishing - USA (Giu 1972)
XYZ Comics # 1
Comical Comics
Robert Crumb (script) / Robert Crumb (art) / Robert Crumb (inks)
4 pagine

da XYZ Comics, Kitchen Sink Publishing - USA (Giu 1972)
XYZ Comics # 1
Cubist Be Bop Comics
Robert Crumb (script) / Robert Crumb (art) / Robert Crumb (inks)
8 pagine

da XYZ Comics, Kitchen Sink Publishing - USA (Giu 1972)
San Francisco Comic Book # 3
Robert Crumb
Underground Hotline
Robert Crumb (script) / Robert Crumb (art) / Robert Crumb (inks)
3 pagine

da San Francisco Comic Book # 3, San Francisco Comic Book Company - USA (Ago 1971)
Young Lust # 4
Shlub Mugubb
The Red Hot Romances of Shlub Mugubb
Robert Crumb (script) / Robert Crumb (art) / Robert Crumb (inks)
6 pagine

da Young Lust # 4, Company and Sons - USA (Nov 1974)
Big Ass Comics # 2
A Gurl
Robert Crumb (script) / Robert Crumb (art) / Robert Crumb (inks)
6 pagine

da Big Ass Comics # 2, Rip Off Press - USA (Ago 1971)
Big Ass Comics # 2
Sally Blubberbutt
Sally Blubberbutt
Robert Crumb (script) / Robert Crumb (art) / Robert Crumb (inks)
4 pagine

da Big Ass Comics # 2, Rip Off Press - USA (Ago 1971)
Black and White Comics # 1
Robert Crumb
R. Crumb versus The Sisterhood
Robert Crumb (script) / Robert Crumb (art) / Robert Crumb (inks)
10 pagine

da Black and White Comics, Apex Novelties - USA (Giu 1973)
Uneeda Comix # 1
Honeybunch Kaminski
She's Leaving Home
Robert Crumb (script) / Robert Crumb (art) / Robert Crumb (inks)
13 pagine

da Uneeda Comix, Print Mint - USA (Ago 1970)
Your Hytone Comics # 1
Pete the Plumber
Pete the Plumber
Robert Crumb (script) / Robert Crumb (art) / Robert Crumb (inks)
9 pagine

da Your Hytone Comics, Apex Novelties - USA (Feb 1971)
Black and White Comics # 1
Squirrely the Squirrel
Squirrely the Squirrel (Squirrely lo scoiattolo)
Robert Crumb (script) / Robert Crumb (art) / Robert Crumb (inks)
4 pagine

da Black and White Comics, Apex Novelties - USA (Giu 1973)
Despair # 1
Ruff Tuff Creampuff
It's the Ruff Tuff Creampuff
Robert Crumb (script) / Robert Crumb (art) / Robert Crumb (inks)
5 pagine

da Despair, Print Mint - USA (Gen 1969)
Gary Arlington's Thrilling Murder Comics # 1
Jumpin' Jack Flash!
Robert Crumb (script) / Robert Crumb (art) / Robert Crumb (inks)
4 pagine

da Gary Arlington's Thrilling Murder Comics, San Francisco Comic Book Company - USA (Gen 1971)
Despair # 1
Robert Crumb
Morbid Sense of Humor (Morboso senso dell'humor)
Robert Crumb (script) / Robert Crumb (art) / Robert Crumb (inks)
1 pagine

da Despair, Print Mint - USA (Gen 1969)
Black and White Comics # 1
Mr. Snoid
Big Fine Legs
Robert Crumb (script) / Robert Crumb (art) / Robert Crumb (inks)
4 pagine

da Black and White Comics, Apex Novelties - USA (Giu 1973)
Big Ass Comics # 2
Mr. Snoid
Anal Antics
Robert Crumb (script) / Robert Crumb (art) / Robert Crumb (inks)
2 pagine

da Big Ass Comics # 2, Rip Off Press - USA (Ago 1971)
Mr. Snoid
Once I Led the Life of a Millionaire (Mr. Snoid in 'La volta che vissi come un milionario')
Robert Crumb (script) / Robert Crumb (art) / Robert Crumb (inks)
14 pagine
Robert Crumb (script) / Robert Crumb (art) / Robert Crumb (inks)
1 pagine