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Captain America Comics # 19
Copertina di Al Avison

Captain America Comics # 19

Timely Ottobre 1942
Captain America
The Crocodile Strikes!
Al Avison (art) / Syd Shores (inks) / George Klein (inks)
17 pagine
Human Torch
The Vines of Doom
Mickey Spillane (script) / Allen Bellman (art) / George Klein (inks)
7 pagine
Captain America
Your Life Depends on It!
Stan Lee (script) / Al Avison (art) / Al Avison (inks)
4 pagine
Captain America
On to Berlin!
Al Avison (art) / Syd Shores (inks) / George Klein (inks)
24 pagine
The Secret Stamp
Roddy's Double Trouble
Stan Lee (script) / Don Rico (art) / Don Rico (inks)
7 pagine