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Batman: La Leggenda # 89

Batman: La Leggenda # 89 | Lampi di gloria

Planeta DeAgostini Maggio 2010
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight # 197
Blaze Of Glory: The Spark
Will Pfeifer (script) / Chris Weston (art) / Chris Weston (inks)
22 pagine

da Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight # 197, DC Comics - USA (Gen 2006)
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight # 198
Blaze Of Glory: The Fuse
Will Pfeifer (script) / Chris Weston (art) / Chris Weston (inks)
22 pagine

da Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight # 198, DC Comics - USA (Feb 2006)
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight # 199
Blaze Of Glory: The Fire
Will Pfeifer (script) / Chris Weston (art) / Chris Weston (inks)
22 pagine

da Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight # 199, DC Comics - USA (Mar 2006)
Batman: Tenses # 1
A denti stretti, pt 1
Joe Casey (script) / Cully Hamner (art) / Dexter Vines (inks)
64 pagine

da Batman: Tenses # 1, DC Comics - USA (Ott 2003)
Batman: Tenses # 2
A denti stretti, pt 2 1ª parte
Joe Casey (script) / Cully Hamner (art) / Rodney Ramos (inks) / Dexter Vines (inks)
64 pagine

da Batman: Tenses # 2, DC Comics - USA (Nov 2003)