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Batman # 5

Batman # 5 | Prodigal #4 (di 5)

Play Press Agosto 1995
Batman vol 1 # 514
Prodigal, pt 9: Una notte in zona di guerra
Doug Moench (script) / Ron Wagner (art) / Joe Rubinstein (inks)
22 pagine

da Batman vol 1 # 514, DC Comics - USA (Gen 1995)
Batman: Shadow of the Bat # 34
Prodigal, pt 10
Alan Grant (script) / Mark Bright (art) / Scott Hanna (inks)
22 pagine

da Batman: Shadow of the Bat # 34, DC Comics - USA (Gen 1995)
Catwoman vol 2 # 16
Gatte a catinelle
Chuck Dixon (script) / Jim Balent (art) / Bob Smith (inks)
22 pagine

da Catwoman vol 2 # 16, DC Comics - USA (Dic 1994)