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BrainStorm Comix # 2bis

BrainStorm Comix # 2bis | Mixed Bunch n°1

Alchemy Publications Ottobre 1976
Luther Arkwright
The Papist Affair
Bryan Talbot (script) / Bryan Talbot (art)

Primo albo assoluto in cui compare Luther Arkwright!!!

7 pagine

Ristampa in originale: BrainStorm! The Complete Chester P.Hackenbush and Other Underground Classics TP # 1, Alchemy Publications (Nov 1999)
Pubblicazione italiana: BrainStorm!, Comma 22 (Gen 2008)
Hunt Emerson (script) / Hunt Emerson (art)
4 pagine
Gary Grease
Paul Stubbs (script) / Paul Stubbs (art)
8 pagine
Chris Welch (script) / Chris Welch (art)
4 pagine