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The Boys: Herogasm # 5
Copertina di Darick Robertson

The Boys: Herogasm # 5

Dynamite Entertainment Agosto 2009
The Boys
Hollywood (Eroegasmo, parte 5: Hollywood)
Garth Ennis (script) / Keith Burns (art) / John McCrea (art) / Keith Burns (inks) / John McCrea (inks)
22 pagine

Pubblicazione italiana: 100% Panini Comics # 12 - The Boys, vol 8: Eroegasmo, Panini Comics (Nov 2010), Panini Pulp # 18 - The Boys 18, Panini Comics (Mag 2014), The Boys Deluxe # 3 - The Boys Deluxe # 3, Panini Comics (Dic 2018), The Boys # 8 - Eroegasmo, Gazzetta dello Sport (Set 2024)