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Skeggia92cr / laracelo / Crimen2007 / petolotto / Marino

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majinberto su Preacher # 1, Deboroh su Nuvole in tempesta # 1, eotvos su Stormwatch: Team Achilles # 21, laracelo su Stormwatch: Team Achilles # 23, laracelo su Stormwatch: Team Achilles # 22,


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Battle Picture Library # 1557

Battle Picture Library # 1557 | The Brigands

Fleetway Publications Settembre 1982
Battle Picture Library # 257
The Brigands
A. Carney Allan (script) / Artur Aldoma Puig (art) / Artur Aldoma Puig (inks)
56 pagine

da Battle Picture Library # 257 - The Brigands, Fleetway Publications - UK (Lug 1966)
Battle Picture Library # 482
Salute for an Officer
Norman Worker (script) / Vicente Alcazar (art) / Vicente Alcazar (inks)
8 pagine

da Battle Picture Library # 482 - Special Force Burma, Fleetway Publications - UK (Ago 1970)