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AngeloBest1961 su Marvel Two-In-One # 23, laracelo su , laracelo su Tex Willer # 72, eotvos su DC Classic # 29, eotvos su DC Classic # 53,


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Battle Picture Library # 1508

Battle Picture Library # 1508 | Relic of the Sands

Fleetway Publications Gennaio 1982
Battle Picture Library # 269
Relic of the Sands
Henry Kenneth Bulmer (script)
56 pagine

da Battle Picture Library # 269 - Relic of the Sands, Fleetway Publications - UK (Ott 1966)
Air Ace Picture Library # 542
First Flight
Juan Abellán (art) / Juan Abellán (inks)
8 pagine

da Air Ace Picture Library # 542 - King's Messenger, Fleetway Publications - UK (Nov 1970)