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Batman: The Brave and the Bold Vol 2 # 11
Copertina di Simone Di Meo
Altre versioni di questo albo:

Batman: The Brave and the Bold Vol 2 # 11

DC Comics Maggio 2024
Mother's Day Part 2
Karl Kerschl (script) / Karl Kerschl (art) / Karl Kerschl (inks) / Norm Rapmund (inks) / Michele Assarasakorn (colors)
22 pagine
Cousin Bat
The Sweet Science
Christos Gage (script) / Danny Kim (art) / Danny Kim (inks) / Diego Rodriguez (colors)
12 pagine
The Poison Within Part 2
Delilah S. Dawson (script) / Serg Acuna (art) / Serg Acuna (inks) / Matt Herms (colors)
12 pagine
Sgt. Rock
Private Stein
Michael W. Conrad (script) / P.J. Holden (art) / P.J. Holden (inks) / Mike Spicer (colors)
8 pagine
The Crown Of Twelve Tails
Zac Thompson (script) / Ashley Wood (art) / Ashley Wood (inks)
8 pagine