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Barry Windsor-Smith: Storyteller # 1
Copertina di Barry Windsor-Smith

Barry Windsor-Smith: Storyteller

Dark Horse Ottobre 1996
The Freebooters
The Freebooters: Chapter One
Barry Windsor-Smith (script) / Barry Windsor-Smith (art) / Geof Isherwood (inks) / Alex Bialy (inks) / Barry Windsor-Smith (inks) / Tom Vincent (colors) / Barry Windsor-Smith (colors)
23 pagine
The Paradoxman
The Paradoxman: Chapter One
Barry Windsor-Smith (script) / Barry Windsor-Smith (art) / Alex Bialy (inks) / Barry Windsor-Smith (inks) / Tom Vincent (colors) / Barry Windsor-Smith (colors)
9 pagine
Young Gods
Young Gods: Chapter One
Barry Windsor-Smith (script) / Barry Windsor-Smith (art) / Alex Bialy (inks) / Barry Windsor-Smith (inks) / Barry Windsor-Smith (colors)
7 pagine

Ristampa in originale: Young Gods & Friends # 1, Dark Horse (Ott 2003)
Pubblicazione italiana: Cosmo Comics # 160 - Barry Windsor-Smith Presenta,vol 1: Young Gods & Friends, Editoriale Cosmo (Feb 2023)