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scorer / max2001 / Blackblood / giorgiocomics / Zagor

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majinberto su Preacher # 1, Deboroh su Nuvole in tempesta # 1, eotvos su Stormwatch: Team Achilles # 21, laracelo su Stormwatch: Team Achilles # 23, laracelo su Stormwatch: Team Achilles # 22,


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Astonishing # 5
Copertina di Bill Everett

Astonishing # 5

Atlas Comics Agosto 1951
Marvel Boy
Caves of Doom
Bill Everett (art) / Bill Everett (inks)
8 pagine
Marvel Boy
The Serpent Strikes!
Bill Everett (art) / Bill Everett (inks)
5 pagine
Death from the Sky
Hank Chapman (script)
3 pagine
science fiction
Menace From the Moon!
Hank Chapman (script) / Cal Massey (art) / Cal Massey (inks)
2 pagine
Marvel Boy
The Deadly Decision!
Bill Everett (art) / Bill Everett (inks)
6 pagine