The Viking Commando
The War Without a Name!
Robert Kanigher (script) / George Evans (art) / Bob LeRose (colors)
The War Without a Name!
Robert Kanigher (script) / George Evans (art) / Bob LeRose (colors)
16 pagine
6 pagine
Black Eagle
Brothers on a Bull's-Eye!
Robert Kanigher (script) / Dick Ayers (art) / Romeo Tanghal (inks) / Jerry Serpe (colors)
Brothers on a Bull's-Eye!
Robert Kanigher (script) / Dick Ayers (art) / Romeo Tanghal (inks) / Jerry Serpe (colors)
12 pagine
Comic Story
Zero Hour is 27 Years Long
Robert Kanigher (script) / Jess Jodloman (art) / Bob LeRose (colors)
Zero Hour is 27 Years Long
Robert Kanigher (script) / Jess Jodloman (art) / Bob LeRose (colors)
5 pagine
Force 3
The Double Death of Adolf Hitler
Robert Kanigher (script) / Jerry Grandenetti (art) / Jerry Serpe (colors)
The Double Death of Adolf Hitler
Robert Kanigher (script) / Jerry Grandenetti (art) / Jerry Serpe (colors)
12 pagine
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