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biscotty / Deboroh / faricer / previtech

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Deboroh su Death of the New Gods # 1, Guardian su Death of the New Gods # 1, Blackblood su L'ombra - L'integrale # 3, Deboroh su Terror Special # 1, Deboroh su Terror Special # 1,


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American Heroes # 13

American Heroes # 13

Play Press Novembre 1992
The New Teen Titans Vol 1 # 11
New Teen Titans
Quando i Titani si scontrano
Marv Wolfman (script) / George Pérez (art) / Romeo Tanghal (inks)
22 pagine

da The New Teen Titans Vol 1 # 11, DC Comics - USA (Set 1981)
Animal Man vol 1 # 4
Animal Man
Quando vivevamo tutti nella foresta
Grant Morrison (script) / Chas Truog (art) / Doug Hazelwood (inks) / Tatjana Wood (colors)
24 pagine

da Animal Man vol 1 # 4, DC Comics - USA (Dic 1988)
Challengers of the Unknown Vol 2 # 6
Challengers of the Unknown
The Beautiful And The Bold
Jeph Loeb (script) / Tim Sale (art) / Tim Sale (inks)
22 pagine

da Challengers of the Unknown Vol 2 # 6, DC Comics - USA (Ago 1991)
Challengers of the Unknown Vol 2 # 7
Challengers of the Unknown
Another World 1ª parte
Jeph Loeb (script) / Tim Sale (art) / Tim Sale (inks)
22 pagine

da Challengers of the Unknown Vol 2 # 7, DC Comics - USA (Set 1991)