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Crimen2007 / cmarchioro77

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eotvos su Marvel Graphic Novel: Conan of the Isles # 1, eotvos su L'Eternauta # 101, eotvos su Bizarre Adventures # 25, nuvolablu su , nuvolablu su L'Eternauta # 101,


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All-Winners Comics # 10
Copertina di Alex Schomburg

All-Winners Comics # 10

Timely Ottobre 1943
Human Torch
Bloody Talons of the Feathered Fiends!
12 pagine
Captain America
Kioto, the Mad Jap!
Jack Alderman (inks)
12 pagine
Alibi for Grim Deceit!
Carl Pfeufer (art)
12 pagine
The Destroyer
The Rescue of the Partisan's Sister
Bob Oksner (art) / Bob Oksner (inks)
8 pagine
The Whizzer
The Terror of Triple Destruction!
Allen Bellman (art) / Bob Oksner (inks)
8 pagine