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All-Star Comics # 16
Copertina di Frank Harry

All-Star Comics # 16

DC Comics Aprile 1943
Justice Society of America
The Justice Society Fights for a United America! Introduction
Gardner Fox (script) / Joe Gallagher (art)
3 pagine
Justice Society of America
Hawkman at the Bolton Steel Works: Chapter 1
Gardner Fox (script) / Sheldon Moldoff (art)
7 pagine
Justice Society of America
Dr. Mid-Nite Versus 'Tough Tony' Scarlatti: Chapter 2
Gardner Fox (script) / Stan Asch (art)
7 pagine
Justice Society of America
The Atom at the Pebble Coal Corporation Mine: Chapter 3
Gardner Fox (script) / Joe Gallagher (art)
6 pagine
Justice Society of America
Dr. Fate Versus Mr. Fortune: Chapter 4
Gardner Fox (script) / Howard Sherman (art)
6 pagine
Justice Society of America
Sandman Versus the New Way: Chapter 5
Gardner Fox (script) / Jack Kirby (script) / Jack Kirby (art) / Joe Simon (inks)
6 pagine
Justice Society of America
Starman in Granary: Chapter 6
Gardner Fox (script) / Ed Dobrotka (art)
6 pagine
Justice Society of America
The Spectre Versus the Secret Agent: Chapter 7
Gardner Fox (script) / Bernard Baily (art)
6 pagine
Justice Society of America
Johnny Tunder and the Propaganda Peddlers: Chapter 8
Gardner Fox (script) / Stan Asch (art)
7 pagine
Justice Society of America
The Justice Society Fights for a United America! Conclusion
Gardner Fox (script) / Joe Gallagher (art)
3 pagine