That Old Melmac Magic!
Michael Gallagher (script) / Dave Manak (art) / Michael James (inks) / Marie Severin (colors)
That Old Melmac Magic!
Michael Gallagher (script) / Dave Manak (art) / Michael James (inks) / Marie Severin (colors)
La magia di ALF va in tilt.
13 pagine
On Your Marx
Michael Gallagher (script) / Rusty Haller (art) / Marie Severin (inks) / Marie Severin (colors)
On Your Marx
Michael Gallagher (script) / Rusty Haller (art) / Marie Severin (inks) / Marie Severin (colors)
ALF agisce come i fratelli Marx.
1 pagine
Gone with the Rind
Michael Gallagher (script) / Rusty Haller (art) / Marie Severin (inks) / Marie Severin (colors)
Gone with the Rind
Michael Gallagher (script) / Rusty Haller (art) / Marie Severin (inks) / Marie Severin (colors)
ALF racconta a Lynn della sua antenata Melmaciana Scarlet O'Fever.
8 pagine
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