It's Good For What Whales You!
Michael Gallagher (script) / Dave Manak (art) / Marie Severin (inks) / Marie Severin (colors)
It's Good For What Whales You!
Michael Gallagher (script) / Dave Manak (art) / Marie Severin (inks) / Marie Severin (colors)
ALF aiuta una balena spiaggiata a tornare in mare ed a liberare il suo compagno intrappolato.
9 pagine
Night of the Living Bread
Michael Gallagher (script) / Dave Manak (art) / Marie Severin (inks) / Marie Severin (colors)
Night of the Living Bread
Michael Gallagher (script) / Dave Manak (art) / Marie Severin (inks) / Marie Severin (colors)
ALF racconta il programma radiofonico melmaciano "La notte del pane vivente".
7 pagine
Sometimes the Tooth Hurts!
Michael Gallagher (script) / Dave Manak (art) / Marie Severin (inks) / Marie Severin (colors)
Sometimes the Tooth Hurts!
Michael Gallagher (script) / Dave Manak (art) / Marie Severin (inks) / Marie Severin (colors)
Kate va dal dottor Ward per cercare di individuare la causa del mal di denti di ALF.
6 pagine
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