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Albi del Falco # 553

Albi del Falco # 553

Mondadori Novembre 1966
World's Finest Comics # 162
Superman and Batman and Robin
Pawns of the Jousting Master!
Jim Shooter (script) / Curt Swan (art) / George Klein (inks)
8 pagine

da World's Finest Comics # 162, DC Comics - USA (Nov 1966)
Teen Titans Vol 1 # 3
Teen Titans
The Revolt at Harrison High
Bob Haney (script) / Nick Cardy (art) / Nick Cardy (inks)
23 pagine

da Teen Titans Vol 1 # 3, DC Comics - USA (Mag 1966)
The Atom Vol 1 # 1
The Atom
Master of the Plant World!
Gardner Fox (script) / Gil Kane (art) / Murphy Anderson (inks)
25 pagine

da The Atom Vol 1 # 1, DC Comics - USA (Giu 1962)
Western Comics # 64
Pow-Wow Smith
The Strong Man of the West!
Gardner Fox (script) / Carmine Infantino (art)
6 pagine

da Western Comics # 64, DC Comics - USA (Lug 1957)