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Albi del Falco # 504

Albi del Falco # 504 | Trucco contro trucco

Mondadori Dicembre 1965
Superboy vol 1 # 17
The Man Who Shadowed Superboy!
John Broome (script) / John Sikela (art)
12 pagine

da Superboy vol 1 # 17, DC Comics - USA (Nov 1951)
Batman vol 1 # 174
The Off-Again On-Again Lightbulbs!
Sheldon Moldoff (script) / Sheldon Moldoff (art) / Sid Greene (inks)
24 pagine

da Batman vol 1 # 174, DC Comics - USA (Set 1965)
Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane # 56
Lois Lane
The Snoopiest Girl in History!
Edmond Hamilton (script) / Kurt Schaffenberger (art)
8 pagine

da Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane # 56, DC Comics - USA (Apr 1965)
Action Comics Vol 1 # 328
Superman's Hands of Doom!
Leo Dorfman (script) / Al Plastino (art)
12 pagine

da Action Comics Vol 1 # 328, DC Comics - USA (Set 1965)