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Albi del Falco # 351

Albi del Falco # 351 | Incredibile scissione

Mondadori Gennaio 1963
Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane # 36
Lois Lane
The Madam Jekyll of Metropolis!
Leo Dorfman (script) / Kurt Schaffenberger (art)
9 pagine

da Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane # 36, DC Comics - USA (Ott 1962)
Action Comics Vol 1 # 293
The Feud Between Superman and Clark Kent!
Edmond Hamilton (script) / Al Plastino (art)
14 pagine

da Action Comics Vol 1 # 293, DC Comics - USA (Ott 1962)
Detective Comics vol 1 # 227
Batman and Robin
The 50 Faces of Batman
Sheldon Moldoff (art) / Charles Paris (art)
12 pagine

da Detective Comics vol 1 # 227, DC Comics - USA (Gen 1956)
Adventure Comics vol 1 # 302
Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes
Sun-Boy's Lost Power!
Jerry Siegel (script) / John Forte (art)
12 pagine

da Adventure Comics vol 1 # 302, DC Comics - USA (Nov 1962)