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Albi del Falco # 334

Albi del Falco # 334 | La fortezza misteriosa

Mondadori Settembre 1962
Superman vol 1 # 79
Citadel of doom
Edmond Hamilton (script) / Wayne Boring (art) / Stan Kaye (inks)
10 pagine

da Superman vol 1 # 79, DC Comics - USA (Nov 1952)
The Flash Vol 1 # 128
The Case of the Real-Gone Flash!
John Broome (script) / Carmine Infantino (art) / Joe Giella (inks)
18 pagine

da The Flash Vol 1 # 128, DC Comics - USA (Mag 1962)
Detective Comics vol 1 # 278
John Jones Manhunter from Mars
The Defeat of J'onn J'onzz
Jack Miller (script) / Joe Certa (art)
6 pagine

da Detective Comics vol 1 # 278, DC Comics - USA (Apr 1960)
Adventure Comics vol 1 # 230
The Secret of the Flying Horse
Otto Binder (script) / Curt Swan (art) / George Klein (inks)
10 pagine

da Adventure Comics vol 1 # 230, DC Comics - USA (Nov 1956)