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Albi del Falco # 248

Albi del Falco # 248 | Gli sposi dell'Atlantide

Mondadori Gennaio 1961
The Flash Vol 1 # 110
Challenge of the Weather Wizard!
John Broome (script) / Carmine Infantino (art) / Murphy Anderson (inks)
13 pagine

da The Flash Vol 1 # 110, DC Comics - USA (Dic 1959)
Superman vol 1 # 139
The New Life of Super-Merman!
Jerry Siegel (script) / Wayne Boring (art) / Stan Kaye (inks)
9 pagine

da Superman vol 1 # 139, DC Comics - USA (Ago 1960)
Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane # 19
Lois Lane
The Superman of the Past!
Robert Bernstein (script) / Otto Binder (script) / Kurt Schaffenberger (art) / Kurt Schaffenberger (art)
9 pagine

da Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane # 19, DC Comics - USA (Ago 1960)