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Air Ace Picture Library # 31
Copertina di Pino Dell'Orco

Air Ace Picture Library # 31 | Wings in the Night

Fleetway Publications Dicembre 1960
Wings in the Night (Ali per Due)
Fernando Fernandez (art) / Fernando Fernandez (inks)
63 pagine

Ristampa in originale: War Picture Library # 433 - Wings in the Night, Fleetway Publications (Mar 1968), War Picture Library # 1005 - Wings in the Night, Fleetway Publications (Nov 1974), Battle Picture Library # 1362 - Wings in the Night, Fleetway Publications (Feb 1980)
Pubblicazione italiana: Collana Eroica (Nuova Serie) # 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, Editoriale Dardo (Mar 1971/Mag 1971)