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Adventure Comics vol 1 # 491
Copertina di Keith Giffen

Adventure Comics vol 1 # 491

DC Comics Settembre 1982
Captain Marvel (Shazam)
The Confederation of Hell
E. Nelson Bridwell (script) / Don Newton (art) / Frank Chiaramonte (inks) / Adrienne Roy (colors)
9 pagine
The Legion of Super-Heroes
Otto Binder (script) / Al Plastino (art) / Adrienne Roy (colors)
12 pagine
Sorcerers of the Sea
Steve Skeates (script) / Jim Aparo (art) / Bob LeRose (colors)
32 pagine
Black Canary
The Canary and the Cat! Part One
Dennis O'Neil (script) / Alex Toth (art) / Tom Zuiko (colors)
8 pagine
The Sandman
The Man Who Couldn't Sleep!
Jack Kirby (script) / Jack Kirby (art) / Joe Simon (inks) / Nansi Hoolahan (colors)
10 pagine
Prisoner of the Super-Heroes
Jerry Siegel (script) / George Papp (art) / Jerry Serpe (colors)
11 pagine
The Spectre
War That Shook the Universe!
Gardner Fox (script) / Murphy Anderson (art) / Anthony Tollin (colors)
23 pagine