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lordjulius / freethud / Alias129 / Crimen2007 / Silus / femo / DetectiveOscuro / max2001

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Adventure Comics vol 1 # 94
Copertina di Jack Kirby

Adventure Comics vol 1 # 94

DC Comics Ottobre 1944
Sandman (Wesley Dodds)
Reincarnation of a Rogue
Joe Samachson (script) / Pen Shumaker (art)
10 pagine

Pubblicazione italiana: DC Omnibus # 26 - Sandman di Jack Kirby, Rw Lion (Lug 2018)
The Shining Knight
Ancestor Unknown
Joe Samachson (script) / Louis Cazeneuve (art)
9 pagine
Starman (Ted Knight)
Stars Fell on Allie Bammer!
Joe Samachson (script) / Emil Gershwin (art)
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Genius Jones
The Puzzle of the Tired Pigeons!
Whitney Ellsworth (script) / Stan Kaye (art)
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Mike Gibbs, Guerrilla
The Battle of Ti Liang
Joe Samachson (script) / Edmond Good (art)
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